

Why Total Skiing

20 Oct 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Train smart this ski season when time and resources are an issue.

You can get an edge on this ski season by using, Total Skiing as a guide to maximize your training time, while achieving optimal fitness and performance benefits.

Total Skiing uses fitness screens like the functional movement screen(FMS), cardiovascular assessments, muscular fitness assessments, power and agility assessments.  By documenting the results of these 4 test you can streamline a custom work-out for your individual needs based on the test results.  Limits in your fitness and asymmetries in your movements will be seen as the barriers that need to be addressed before higher levels of skiing performance can be reached.  Poor scores on the FMS could mean your overall movement patterns are weak.  The good news is that there are     exercises prescribed in Total Skiing that can give you a path to success in your overall movement and fitness and ultimately increased performance on the snow. 

Once the test in the book are taken, your custom program  can be written and applied for dramatic results.  The following benefits will be experienced as a result of the advice gleaned from Total Skiing

  • Improved functional movement and athletic performance
  • Identification of limits in strength, endurance and neuromuscular imbalances
  • Reduction in overuse injuries
  • Reduction in connective tissue strain and non-impact injuries
  • Corrective exercise programs that are based on your weaknesses for greater and longer lasting results
  • Identify connection to past injuries and movement asymmetries that result in chronic pain and injury.
  • Establishes a base line for all future fitness and performance levels.
  • Helps you asses what is the right training program for you based on your time commitment, current fitness level and you on mountain goals.
  • Increased amount of fun and enjoyment on any mountain, in any conditions with limited exposure to injury.       

We all have limited self awareness when it comes to holes in our own personal fitness and mobility picture.  Often it’s not until we experience pain or the inability to accomplish a goal that we become aware of a problem.  With Total Skiing you are given a system to judge your movements, and then apply a fix to your findings.  If you don’t know there is a problem, how can you ever address it?  Once you are aware of it then half the battle is done and you are on your way to finding a solution.  This is your year to be your best, start early, stay committed and enjoy the process.