

Portillo Baby

31 May 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

It’s hard to think about summer or skiing in the summer when spring has barely made an appearance, but going to Portillo is different.  It is an experience that can change you, it offers you an escape into a world that is so different.  Here the sky is a brilliant blue hue, the sun shimmers powerfully down on you as condors glide gracefully through the sky.  The lake and it’s surrounding peaks are hypnotic and lure you into a state of transcendence.  Your spirit soars to new heights when in Portillo, you can’t help it.  You experience new things in a very safe and controlled environment.  Your skiing improves dramatically, not just from the coaching and the mileage but from the combination of those things and the freedom you allow yourself to try new things, and the willingness to allow yourself to be pushed.  Portillo breaks down all barriers.  You come away from there with at least half a dozen more friends that you arrived with.  You never even miss summer while you are there, as the sun always shines (unless it snowing, but that it a magnificent sight too), there is a heated swimming pool and hot tub if you are missing water and a ton of activities to do that makes the week fly by.  You will come away with memories and stories that will hold a dinner table captivated for hours.  Many people return from Portillo with a sense of inner joy and a sense of accomplishment.