

Winter is Around the Corner

17 Sep 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Twitter and Facebook are all a buzz with images of fresh snowfall in Colorado.  Maybe we’ll skip fall and move right into winter?!  Signs of a change in season is creeping into the Sierras also, this morning was distinctly cooler than all the others. Personally, this is a really fun time of year, the days are still warm enough to catch a bike ride or a run through the woods and ski movies are premiering all over the country and the newest gear has arrived at your local ski shop.  There is a sort of frenzy around preparing for ski season, it really is “hurry up and wait.”  After you have everything organized and set up, you have been going through a ski conditioning program, you’ve chosen where you are going to get your season pass, which NASTC camps you are going to sign up for 🙂 and you’ve pulled your gear out from the recesses of your garage (hopefully tuned your skis), now it’s time to wait until the snow starts falling.  But man, that first day back on your skis is so well worth the wait, so what if it’s just groomers, the rush and exhiliration of going fast and sliding on snow is so FUN!!